Taking Your Power Back and Changing Your Story
In every moment in time there is a story being told about who you are. So often those stories are told by people, places, things and events that, frankly, do not have your best interests at heart. As a matter of fact sometime the greatest offender is your own voice. In today’s video I’ll share
Math and meditation
This is an excellent description, from an energy mechanics, perspective of what meditation is. As I mention in the video the experience of meditation is just that, an experience, and not an intellectual exercise. For me this is one of the biggest misconceptions of how to meditate. Meditation isn’t something you make happen, it’s an
Stop looking and choose
While we’re waiting for the external circumstances to be just so and thus and provide the way or make the decision for us right our external circumstances are waiting for us to make the decision first. https://youtu.be/ib8rQBSHauM
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