“There is a force that connects us to an infinite source of well being deep within ourselves. The same force that created the planets and stars, the lakes and oceans, a butterfly, a tree, and you”

Expert on Spirituality, Meditation, Energy Healing, Energy Psychology for Business, available for interviews, teaching and speaking venues.

Russ Littau is the founder of The Healing Center located in Alberta Canada. He is the lead instructor and coordinator for teaching *Reiki Certification classes through in house sessions at their home offices as well as powerful spiritual weekend retreats in energetically charged locations through out the world. In the past four short years Russ has established himself as an expert in all areas of Spirituality, Reiki, energy medicine, and Meditation. One area of special interest is his unique method of blending these time proven techniques with modern day business strategies, professional development, and team building. He is a sought after teacher and speaker and has appeared in national magazines and television.

Russ’ life was pretty normal until a wonderful gift of guidance showed up in the form of a lower back injury. After running the entire gamut of traditional medicine and receiving no relief or results his miracle showed up in the hands of a co-worker who had been reading a book on a energy healing modality and offered to try it out. After two treatments the back injury was gone.

That was the moment that everything changed.

Since that time Russ has been on a breakneck journey of discovery and revelation. Russ’s down to earth style and insightful wisdom has given countless people the much needed catalyst for recovery and revitalization. He not only “talks the talk” but provides true leadership and inspiration through his behaviors and actions.

Currently Russ keeps busy by:

Hosting his own weekly Internet Radio Talk show talking about Spirituality in the world of today.
Appeared in television and national magazines
Appearing as a guest speaker for Associations, Businesses, and Colleges
Teaches Reiki Certification classes through in house sessions & powerful week retreats around the world
Regularly conducts life changing spiritual retreats
Developing multi-media healing products with proven results
Conducting personal healing treatments in person and through electronic media

One project he is very excited about is developing a training program for individuals to manage the multitude of stresses that are being presented through the current economic global environment. In his own words, “Now, more than ever, we need to remember who we really are. That deep inside each one of us is a place of peace and stability. One that is not dependent on their external circumstances but despite them”.