reiki treatments
powerful, gentle, impactful

russ littau Reiki master practitioner
Fifteen years ago, when I had just started my Reiki Practice a common question I would be asked was “How many treatments should I come for?” Initially it was a very hard question to answer for two primary reasons. First, each one of us is an amazingly diverse individual with an infinite collection of memories and experiences. The second, and more personal reason, is that my intention always was the resolution would present itself on the first treatment. I always went for the gold on the first treatment. A big piece of why that intention was the best approach was a thorough understanding of all the bits and pieces in the background that lead up to the challenge or desire that brought you to my office.

The Two Keys to Complete Healing
The treatments I am offering have three distinct aspects.
First, understanding ….
We will talk about the challenge or desire you have and really dig into the roots of it using a system of understanding that has proven itself a thousand times over we call Geometryxs. Simply throwing yourself on my massage table and “hoping for the best” is often not the most effective approach. So often, when you don’t have a comprehensive understanding of your situation it hinders the degree of change we can initiate plus lengthen the time in which we can experience the results.
Second, application ….
You will leave with a plan. Theory and understanding is great, but it’s in the application of them on a consistent basis where the treasure lies. Your plan will be custom designed for your specific goals and desires. It may be a guided meditation, action steps you can take, or follow up studies and resources. Whatever the configuration is, it will be uniquely yours. Frankly, this is the step that’s often missing in holistic treatments. As a practitioner and teacher my goal is to empower you to continue your own healing journey and not be completely depend on my massage table. I will give you the understanding, the tools, and the treatment. From there you will powerfully nurture that understanding into your own personal transformation.

Third, the treatment …
It’s been several years since I’ve done formal treatments and much has changed since then. Through my own journeys of travelling and teaching I think I could say I’ve become much more “seasoned”, a warrior for change I suppose. I have worked with vast numbers of students from an infinite number of backgrounds. Each with their own unique blend of victories and challenges. In each and every case, no matter the severity of the challenge or the depths of the traumas my intention stayed the same. Freedom, no matter how long of how bad it was for our students, freedom is always present during our events. Our role as teachers is to invite it in. Your personalized treatment will give you the initial jump start into freedom from whatever, whenever, and who ever that has held you back.
Appointment Times, Location, Length, Cost ….
We haven’t moved so you can still find us at 4734 Ross Street (50 Street) in Red Deer. The best method to schedule an appointment is through my email or use the fill in form below. The session will last about 1 1/2 hours. The cost is $87.00 + GST (Cash or Credit Card – Sorry no debit but there is a bank machine half block away from our office.) Receipts available.