Your body is an amazing, vibratory instrument, that manifests your reality and then allows you to luxuriate in the experience of it. In a very literal way, the images of desires you hold in your mind create vibrations in your body. These vibrations radiate out a signal that rearranges your external experience in accordance with the vibrations you hold. It’s a high precision instrument and your most valuable asset.
That being the case, how are you treating and valuing your manifesting instrument? Do you see beauty or do you see flaws? Do you see yourself through the lens of every unrealistic external parameter society and the advertising companies offer? Do you truly appreciate your body? Not your mind, not you accomplishments, not what other people think about your exploits or failures, but your body.
One of the beauties of Convergence Method is it heals your relationship between you and your body. You step into loving every piece of you, your reflection in the mirror brings gratitude, appreciation, and pleasure with what you see. If you want a million dollar lifestyle you must begin to see your body as a million dollar instrument.