In the end it comes down to one decision

Our external world is a reflection of who we are. It’s not what we do, it’s not what we think, and it’s not even what we feel. It’s a reflection of the essence of who we are. Manifesting is not a process of doing or feeling; it’s a result of being.

In many of our other classes and workshops I share with our students that there is a very big difference between “feeling sad” and “being sad”. The sentences “I am feeling sad” and “I am sad” are immensely different and in many respects at opposite ends of the poles.

The two most powerful words in the universe are “I AM”. When we connect the words I am with an external circumstance, a thought, or an emotion we are, in a very literal way, identifying and becoming whatever words came after I AM. The words I AM remove the veil of separateness and reveal an aspect of ourselves that, for so many, remains hidden.

The decisions you make in this moment are far more important than you realize. It’s a decision millions of people have wanted to make in the past.

However, for some, they never choose to make it because, frankly they would rather stay within the confines of the life defining them through often limiting fashions provided by today’s modern societal beliefs and rules. Some initially make the decision, raising their hands and shouting hallelujah and then just as quickly stop. Why? Because frankly, changing your life in profound and long lasting ways is going to take work and lots of it.

Would you like to know the difference between you and the people whose books you read and movies you watch. The ones whose technology you use everyday and wonder how you ever got by with out them. Those who are living their dreams to the absolute fullness of creation?

It wasn’t because of their upbringing, ancestry, “golden spoon”, luck, or timing.

It’s a decision. A simple decision. They made and then made it over and over and over until their physical surroundings reflect the changes in their very being.

Now I offer that same decision to you …….

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