Common Sense isn’t so Common

Common sense is a mutually agreed upon set of rules, or belief systems, that are common to a society.

However, there are many different societies and subsequent belief systems that each one of us participate in. You have geographical societies which are the area in which you live. Your coworkers at your place of employment form another society. Friends are another society. Many times the method in which we choose our friends is whether or not they have the same “common sense” beliefs as we have. It may be religious societies, family societies; the list could go on and on.

If you embrace the topics in this book I am willing to bet that they will stretch your definitions of logic and totally obliterate the parameters of common sense.

However, as you expand and change, that which you call logical will begin to incorporate new ideas, concepts, and behaviors. That is the journey you will take as you continue through the following pages.

Logic is the process in which we take that which initially made no sense and by learning and experiencing we come to a place where all of a sudden we see a logical order or process. What do we say when that happens? We say it makes sense. In that moment we have taken something that was once illogical and therefore unbelievable (magic) and we have transformed our awareness such that it now becomes not only a possibility but a predictable outcome.

We do not live in the past so much as re-live (re-create) the past in our present moment experience.

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