Of all the Things I Miss, I Miss my Mind the Most

What do what do we do with those incessant thoughts in our mind? Don’t chase them out, replace them out. Rather than looking at those thoughts and trying to stop thinking about them, which by the way is pretty much impossible, instead consciously choose to focus on a thought(s) of your choosing. Those old self defeating thoughts are like plants that you have watered for years and maybe decades. Like a flower blossom, if we simply clip the flowers the plant will produce more. The trick is to choose not to nourish the plant. Now, we can’t simply “not” nourish it because that energy is always flowing through us and has to go somewhere. This last sentence provides us the key. So, if this energy has to flow somewhere and the only “plant” we have in front of us blooms with a self defeating thought, how about planting a new and different, plant? Take the nourishment from the one and send it to the other.

In the beginning this may be challenging. Remember, as a plant begins to grow it can be very fragile and so we have to consciously nurture it. That’s what you did with the plant of your negative thoughts. It grew the very same way. However, as you continue to choose which plant you will give your energy to the old negative thought one will begin to shrivel and die and the new positive thought one you have chosen matures and flourishes.

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