If in doubt, do what’s in front of you


Excerpt from Step 4 – “Inspired Action”

Do what’s placed in front of you. It may not, actually probably won’t, seem like it’s the magic bullet to force your dreams to manifest but that’s only your perspective. In fact, maybe it isn’t. Sometimes it’s been placed there purely to distract you so you don’t try and “help” the process along. Also don’t get caught up in thinking it has to be “work”.

Sometimes it means going for a bike ride, or reading your favorite book, having  coffee with a friend. Remember the best way for you to help is to be in a state of relief. Any activity that places you there is a plus. In all instances where you find yourself needing to help you have probably left that place of relief.

The best activity you can do at that time is one that places you back in the place of relief.

You will often find yourself in the place of having some things to do on your “To Do” list but because you are unable to see a direct, and immediate, connection, you don’t do them. You’re too busy looking for the sliver bullet task. Remember, your perspective is very limited and not only do you not have the whole picture, you also have no idea of the positive ramifications of simply doing what’s in front of you.

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