How big is your reality sphere?


As humans we tend to slip into patterns of thought and action. Often very limited and small ones. Think about how many places you go to on a daily basis. The grocery store, coffee shop, mall etc. If you think about it it’s probably a very short list. We can spend our lives travelling in this small circuit. Now think about your thoughts. You probably have an equally limited list of thought patterns that revolve around inside your head every day, all day.

If you asked people about the physical places they frequent and why they don’t search out new ones (trips and such) there will be two responses. The first is because they think they can’t (vacations, relocations, etc) and validate that with evidence from their physical surroundings.

The second is they never even thought about going to a different “grocery store” because it doesn’t fit into their “routine” which is ingrained in their subconscious.

The same excuses will apply to your thoughts.

We are essentially living our lives asleep. So we need to wake up. We need to start consciously choosing to think differently, to release our physical habits, to stimulate our minds and bodies with new experiences, which will shake off the sleepiness of our existence and open the door to change.


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